Maps of the Islamic Middle East
Online Map Collections
The Perry-CastaƱeda Library
Map Collection
of The University of Texas at Austin
Atlases of Islam
Atlas of the Middle East
The Middle East in the Sixth Century
Muslim Expansion in the Time of Muhammad
Abbasid Provinces during the caliphate of Harun al-Rashid - 786 to 809
The Mediterranean in the Ninth Century
The Middle East in the latter half of the 13th Century
The Growth of the Ottoman Sultanate from the early 14th to 15th Centuries
The Ottoman Sultanate in the 16th and 17th Centuries
The Later Timurid Period
W.C. Brice,
An Historical Atlas of Islam
Muslim Expansion until A.D. 661
The Umayyad Empire c.A.D.750
The Late Abbasid Caliphate c.A.D.900
Almoravid,Saldjuk, and Ghaznavid Expansion c.A.D. 1100
The Muslim World c.A.D. 1300
The Muslim World c.A.D. 1500
Collections on Individual Regions:
Ancient and Medieval
Links to other maps relating to Islam's historical development